AmigaActive (194/1338)

Date:3 May 2001 at 20:51:23
Subject:Re: Inability to read Amiga Active CD's

Oh my god Captain David the've just fired anti-shipper missiles at [amigactive] Re: Inability to read Amiga Active CD's

>DA I'm also having problems reading aacd's and you may just have solved the
>DA problem (for me at least). Would it require a special powerpack or could
>DA I use one of them mains adaptor thingies (you know with about 50
>DA different connectors hanging of the end) ???. The thing is though that
>DA it's only aacd's that my drive doesn't like. It's fine until it starts
>DA spinning at higher speeds at which point it decides to spin down then up
>DA then down ... I've never had any trouble with afcd52 or cucds though.
>DA sorry for butting
>DA in ;-)

Now I know this is going to sound stupid. But try putting CD into a PC. I've
got the Glowicon collection, and my external drive will only read it, if I put
it into my mates PC first.

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